Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima
Hotel Regulations
Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima
To ensure the safety and comfort of guests staying at the Hotel, we ask for your cooperation and adherence to the following Hotel Rules, which have been established in accordance with Article 10 of the Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts. If you do not comply with these rules, the hotel may be forced to refuse accommodation and use of the hotel facilities. Please pay particular attention, as you may also be responsible for any damages incurred by the hotel.
1. Use of Guestrooms
- Please check the evacuation route map for evacuation from your guestroom. The map is posted on the back of the door to each guestroom.
- Only registered guests may stay overnight at the hotel.
- Guests under the age of eighteen cannot be accommodated on their own. They can be accommodated only when a parental consent form is supplied by their parents or guardians by the day before their arrival. Please also refrain from committing acts that cause anxiety and annoyance to other guests including being mentally unwell or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Please bear in mind that a long-term stay does not entitle you to legal rights regarding residence.
- Please save water and electricity to conserve our limited resources.
2. Guestroom Card Keys
- When going out of your room during your stay, please take the card key and check that the door is locked.
- Please make sure to lock the door latch when you are in your room or when you go to bed.
- If you misplace a guestroom card key, you shall bear the actual expense as replacement cost.
- Please be sure to return your guestroom card key to the front desk upon check-out.
3. Visitors
- Please meet visitors in the lobby.
- When there is a knock on the door, please open the door with the door latch in place or check through the peephole.
4. In Guestrooms
- Please do not use heating device or cooking equipment in the hotel (excluding those installed in the guestrooms) or irons you have brought in.
- Except for in the guestrooms clearly marked as smoking permitted, smoking in your room (including heated cigarettes and e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited. If you are found to have smoked in a guestroom other than the ones clearly marked as smoking permitted, you will be asked to pay the prescribed amount as cleaning cost of the guestroom.
- Please refrain from smoking in places prone to catch fire especially in bed even in the smoking permitted guestrooms.
- Please do not use the guest rooms for purposes other than your stay including business activities, offices, or parties without the hotel’s permission.
- Please do not rearrange the fixtures and fittings inside the room or alter or redecorate the inside of the room without hotel’s permission.
- Please do not remove equipment from the room.
- Please do not put anything by the window that can detract from the exterior appearance of the hotel including photos and posters.
- Please do not use hair dye or bleach in the bathtub.
5. Valuables
Please look after your valuables.
6. Entrusted Items and Left-behind Items
Entrusted items will be kept for three days. When an item is not claimed within the period, it will be assumed that you have renounced ownership of the item and the hotel may dispose of it freely, and you may not make an objection.
The hotel will keep left-behind items for three days including the day on which it is found. After the period, unclaimed items will be taken to the nearby police station. However, expendables, beverages, food, and other items that can damage the sanitary environment, newspapers and magazines, umbrellas, and other items that the hotel decides were discarded by guests will be disposed of immediately.
7. Items of lost property
The hotel will handle items of lost property in accordance with the laws and regulations.
8. Use of Hotel Parking Facilities
- Please follow the instructions of the hotel employees in using the hotel parking facilities.
- Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle. The hotel cannot be held responsible for the loss or theft of any items in vehicles parked on the premise.
- Valet parking is not available.
- As a rule, please do not wash your vehicle in the parking lot.
9. Settlement of Accounts
- The hotel will accept payment in cash, or through designated coupons, credit cards, or alternative means agreed upon by the hotel.
- Please settle your bills at the front desk on arrival or when the hotel requests payment during your stay.
- When it is agreed that payment shall be made by someone other than the actual guest and payment has not been duly received by the designated date, the hotel may bill guest directly.
- The hotel will not pay for guest’s private expenses such as purchases, travel tickets, taxi fares, stamps, shipping charges, etc.
10. Breakfast Coupons
The hotel will not refund unused breakfast coupons.
11. Complimentary Tickets and Discount Coupons
The hotel will not refund complimentary tickets and discount coupons issued by the hotel.
12. Actions Likely to Cause Annoyance to Other Guests of the Hotel
Please do not bring into the hotel items or engage in acts that are likely to cause annoyance to other guests of the hotel as listed below.
- Bringing:
- Dogs, cats, birds and other animals or pets (seeing eye, assistance, and hearing dogs permitted);
- Gunpowder that are inflammable, volatile oils or dangerous products;
- Objects emitting a foul odor or strong smell;
- Unregistered firearms or swords;
- Exceptionally large luggage or large amount of goods;
- Other articles the possession of which is prohibited by the laws and regulations.
- Engaging in gambling, speaking menacingly, behaving in a manner injurious to public morals, or committing acts likely to cause aversion or annoyance to other guests of the hotel;
- Entering the hotel in geta (Japanese wooden clogs), leather-soled sandals, roller skates, or rollerblades;
- Rearranging the fixtures and fitting, using the room for purposes other than your stay, or leaving behind personal belongings in places other than your room;
- Distributing advertising or publicity materials, selling commodities, or soliciting business;
- Bringing food and beverages into the hotel from outside including ordering unless the hotel permits otherwise;
- Smoking (including heated cigarettes and e-cigarettes) in places other than a guestroom clearly marked as smoking permitted or the smoking areas;
- Taking home breakfast food and beverages (excluding takeaway items)
- Taking photographs or videos in the hotel or on the premises of the hotel in a manner that can cause annoyance to other guests;
- Taking photographs or videos in the hotel for business purposes whether for profit or not without the prior approval of the hotel or showing to the public photos or videos taken in the hotel for business purposes whether for profit or not.
13. The hotel refuses use of its facilities by the organizations or individuals listed below:
- Designated organized groups and designated organized crime associates as provided for under the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members or their individual members, associates, or other anti-social forces (“Anti-social Forces”);
- Associates of corporations and other organizations whose business activities are controlled by Anti-social forces;
- When an individual is found to have engaged in violence, injury, intimidation, extortion, intimidating and unreasonable demands, or other similar acts;
- Individuals whose safety cannot be ensured and who could potentially cause injury, fear or anxiety to other guests due to them being mentally unwell or not of sound mind under the influence of drugs;
- Individuals who have received a warning from the hotel for their violations of the Hotel Regulations and other rules of the hotel and do not stop the violations immediately.
14. Change to the Hotel Regulations
- These Hotel Regulations fall under the category of standard form contract under the Civil Code of Japan, and any part of these Hotel Regulations may be changed by us in accordance with the article 19 of Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts.
- Changes to these hotel regulations shall be made by posting a notification of the change, contents of the change and the effective date on the hotel’s designated website instead of notifying and explaining individually one month in advance of the effective date and shall apply from the effective date. A document stating changes will also be available in the guestrooms.
Revised on: 1st June, 2023
Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima
Spa Regulations
Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima
To ensure safety and comfort of guests using the hotel’s spa (referring to the bath area and changing room, “Spa”), please comply with the following rules.
- Overnight guests, daytime use guests, and guests who are permitted to enter under the contract with the hotel can use the Spa.
- The hotel employees patrol the Spa. You may be asked to confirm your name and room number.
- The hotel kindly asks those who fall under any of the following to refrain from entering the Spa:
- Associates of Anti-social forces as listed in the Hotel Regulations and corporations or other organizations whose business activities are controlled by Anti-social forces;
- Guests with tattoo and body paint except when they can be covered with the hotel’s designated sticker. Please inquire at the front desk for the stickers;
- Guests who are suspected of having an infectious disease or who are advised not to take a bath by a doctor;
- Guests who are having a period, do not feel well, have drunk, or need help (unless accompanied)
- Guests entering with dangerous goods (glasses, bottles, metal, knives, firearms, or explosives) or pets
- Guests who have violated Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts or other hotel regulations
- Please let the hotel employees know when you see a guest who looks ill.
- Pre-school children can use the Spa only if accompanied by their parents or guardians. In this case, the hotel asks the parent or guardian to keep an eye on their children from a close distance.
- In accordance with prefectural ordinances, the hotel may refuse the entry into the Spa by children of the opposite sex.
- Please do not bring food and beverages, laundries, precision instruments, and accessories into the bath area.
- Please make sure to take a shower or pour hot water over your body before entering the bath.
- Please do not relieve yourselves in the bath area. Please use the toilet.
- When you use soap, bath gel, shampoo, or shower, try not to splash others.
- Please refrain from having a washing place to yourself or using the facilities long enough to cause annoyance to other guests. When the Spa is busy, please be considerate of others.
- Luggage and bath goods that are left unattended for a long time may be removed.
- Please return the equipped backets and chairs you used to the original positions.
- Please do not enter the bath with clothes or a swimwear on or a towel wrapped.
- Please do not soak a towel or your hair in the bathtub.
- Please do not use hair dye or bleach in the changing room or the bath area.
- Please do not dive into or swim in the bathtub as this cause annoyance to other guests.
- Please dry yourself before you enter the changing room from the bath area.
- Please do not run or make noise in the Spa.
- Please do not lie down or take a nap in the Spa.
- Please see the instructions posted in the Spa.
[Safety and Hygiene]
- Smoking is not permitted in the Spa.
- Please beware of the slippery floor in the bath area.
- Please do not carry around a wet towel in places other than the bath area.
- Please do not put in the bathtub soap, bath gel, shampoo, bath salt, or anything that contaminates the water or that smells.
[Safekeeping of luggage and keys]
- Please store your luggage in the locker and make sure to keep it locked. Please deposit your valuables in the valuables locker or deposit it at the front desk.
- Please good take care of your key in your responsibility. If it is lost or broken, the hotel may ask you to pay an equivalent amount.
[Prohibited acts]
- Please do not commit acts that cause annoyance to other guests or disorderly acts in the Spa.
- Making phone calls, taking photos, filming, recording, or using electronic device in the Spa is prohibited.
- For cleaning and security reasons, the Spa can only be used during the opening hours.
- Please do not enter the employee only areas without permission.
[Other instructions]
- Please follow instructions of the employees and promptly desist from engaging in acts that violate these regulations or that employees decide can cause annoyance to other guests. If you do not follow the employees’ instructions, you may be asked to leave.
- Please note the employees may ask you to refrain from bringing in an item, engaging in an act, or using the Spa at their discretion even if there are no mentions in the regulations.
- If you do not leave the Spa even if asked to do so by the employees, the hotel may call the police or other relevant authorities. In this case, the hotel will not refund you.
- The hotel will not take responsibility for any accidents regarding the use, loss or theft of luggage or keys, or troubles between guests.
- The Spa may be unavailable due to unexpected circumstances or operational needs.
- In case of emergency that requires evacuation, do not panic and follow announcement and instructions of the employees.
- Particulars that are not stipulated in these regulations shall be governed by the Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contract or other hotel regulations.
- These regulations may be changed irregularly.
Enacted on: 1st June, 2023
Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima
Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts
Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima
Article 1 (Scope of Application)
Contracts for accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between the hotel and the guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations or generally accepted practices.
If the hotel has entered into a special contract with the guests, insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, such a special contract shall prevail the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
Article 2 (Application for Accommodation Contracts)
A guest who intends to make an application for an accommodation contract with the hotel shall notify the hotel of the following particulars:
- Names of the Guest(s);
- Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival;
- Accommodation charge(s) (based, in principle, on the basic accommodation charges listed in the Schedule 1);
- Other particulars deemed necessary by the hotel.
In cases when changes arise to the particulars notified to the hotel in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the guest shall notify the hotel of the changes immediately.
If guests request to extend their stay, during their stay, beyond the date in Item (2) of Paragraph 1, it shall be regarded as if an application for a new accommodation contract at the time the request is made.
Article 3 (Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts, etc.)
A contract for accommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the hotel has duly accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding article. However, the same shall not apply when it has been proved that the hotel has not accepted the application.
When a contract for accommodation has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest is requested to pay an accommodation deposit covering the guest’s entire period of stay in regard to the contract for accommodation by the start of the stay or by the date specified by the hotel.
If any of the events listed in the following items should occur, the hotel may treat an application for accommodation contract by the guest as though it has been made without the intention to actually stay and the accommodation contract shall become invalid.
- When the guest has failed to pay the accommodation deposit as stipulated in the preceding paragraph by the start of the stay or by the date specified by the hotel in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
- When the hotel has tried to contact the guest using the particulars notified in accordance with the Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the guest cannot be reached within 10 days from the day the first contact was attempted (however, if the arrival date is less than 10 days away, by 3pm of the day of the arrival date).
- When the guest rejects contacts from the hotel.
In the cases of (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph, received accommodation deposit shall not be returned.
Article 4 (Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, the hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit as stipulated in the same Paragraph after the contract has been concluded.
When the hotel has not requested the payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding article or has not specified the date of the payment of the deposit at the time the application for an accommodation contract has been accepted, it shall be treated as though the hotel has accepted a special contract prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Article 5 (Refusal of Accommodation Contracts)
The hotel may not accept the conclusion of an accommodation contract under any of the following cases:
- When the application for accommodation does not conform with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions;
- When the Hotel is fully booked and no room is available;
- When there are reasons equivalent to the preceding item including when due to a natural disaster or other emergencies, victims and people in charge of restoration efforts are going to be accommodated with priority;
- When the guest seeking hotel accommodation is a member of or associated with an organized crime group as provided for under the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members and Prefectural Ordinance on Elimination of Organized Crime Groups, a group associated with an organized crime group, or other anti-social force;
- When the guest seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against the public order or good morals in regard to their accommodation;
- When the guest seeking accommodation has a specified infectious disease;
- When the guest seeking accommodation keeps making demands in regard to the accommodation satisfaction of which causes an excessive burden on the hotel and may interfere with provision of service to other guests as stipulated in Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare;
- When the hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, disfunction of the facilities or other unavoidable causes;
- When the guest seeking accommodation is likely to cause annoyance to other guests or disrupt the hotel’s operations or is verbally abusive or disruptive in a manner likely to cause annoyance to other guests or the hotel employees;
- When the guest seeking accommodation is clearly perceived to be mentally or physically ill;
- When the guest seeking accommodation is under 18 years old staying on their own without consent of their parent or guardian;
- When the guest has made an application for accommodation for the purpose of transferring the right to stay to someone else;
- When the guest has made an application for accommodation without any real intention of staying;
- Other cases where the hotel may refuse accommodation in accordance with laws and regulations or prefectural ordinances.
Article 6 (Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Guest)
The guest is entitled to cancel the accommodation contract by so notifying the hotel.
In cases when the guest has cancelled the accommodation contract in whole or in part due to causes for which the guest is liable (except in cases when the hotel has requested the payment of the deposit during the specified period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and the guest has cancelled before the payment), the guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in Schedule 2. However, in cases when a special contract as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 has been concluded, the same shall apply only when the guest has been informed of the obligation of the payment of the cancellation charges at the time of such conclusion of the special contract.
If the guest does not appear by 11:30 p.m. of the arrival date without advance notice (2 hours after the expected time of arrival if it is clearly marked), the hotel may regard the accommodation contract as having been cancelled by the guest.
Article 7 (Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Hotel)
The Hotel may cancel the accommodation contract in any of the following cases:
- When the guest is a member of or associated with an organized crime group as provided for under the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members and Prefectural Ordinance on Elimination of Organized Crime Groups, a group associated with an organized crime group, or other anti-social force;
- When the guest engages in or in danger of engaging in violence, intimidation, extortion, unreasonable demands, gambling, use of drugs that is not permitted by laws and regulations, carrying or use of firearms or swords or other similar objects, acts that cause annoyance to other guests, or other acts that are against the laws and regulations or public order and morals;
- When the guest seeking accommodation has a specified infectious disease;
- When the guest has acted in the following manner with regard to the stay:
- ① Using the room by more people than on the booking or demanding to do so;
- ② Demanding a remission or a discount of accommodation charges or demanding to have the room changed for facts that are deemed acceptable in common sense or unfounded facts;
- ③ Repeating use of coarse or violent language or other language that causes the hotel employees to feel anxious or scared;
- ④ Demanding reception beyond service what is normally offered at the hotel;
- ⑤ Disregarding requests by the hotel employees regarding the appropriate use of the guestrooms and the hotel facilities despite the fact such requests are repeated;
- ⑥ Destroying or defacing intentionally or with gross negligence, or unlawfully stealing the facilities, furniture, bedding, fittings, and ornaments;
- ⑦ Making excessive demands beyond legal obligations (including those arising from the hotel’s negligence)
- ⑧ Besides above, making repeated demands in regard to the accommodation satisfaction of which causes an excessive burden on the hotel and may notably interfere with provision of service to other guests as stipulated in Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare;
- When the hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, disfunction of the facilities or other unavoidable causes;
- When the guest commits acts that interfere with fire prevention including smoking in bed and mischief to the fire-fighting facilities;
- Transferring or trying to transfer the right to stay;
- When an accommodation contract has been concluded through a travel agency and a payment of accommodation charges from the agency has not been confirmed. This includes when the payment has been made either by transfer right before the end of the business hours of financial institutions or regardless of the business hours of financial institutions through Internet banking but as financial institutions are closed on the following day, the payment cannot be confirmed on the day;
- When the guest fails to observe the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation Contracts of the hotel or the Hotel Regulations;
- Others that fall under the cases where the hotel may refuse accommodation in accordance with laws and regulations or prefectural ordinances.
A notice in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be made orally or by call or email or in writing to the guests’ contact details notified in accordance with Article 2, and if a notice does not reach the guest even when it is made to the guest’s contact details notified in accordance with Article 2, the notice shall be deemed to have reached the guest after the period of time within which the notice should have reached the guest in addition to the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 3 being applied.
In cases when the hotel has cancelled the accommodation contract in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs, the hotel shall not refund the accommodation charges except when the Items (3) and (5) of Paragraph 1 apply.
When Item (4) ⑥ of Paragraph 1 applies to the guest and the hotel incurs damage, the guest shall compensate the hotel for the damage (repair fee and compensation for business interruption if the operation is suspended).
Article 8 (Registration)
The guest shall register the following particulars at the front desk of the hotel on the day of the accommodation:
- Name, age, sex, address, and contact details of the guests (s) ;
- For foreign guests, nationality, passport number, port and date of entry into Japan;
- Date and estimated time of departure;
- Place of stay on the previous night and destination
- Other particulars deemed necessary by the hotel.
In cases when the guest intends to pay their accommodation charges prescribed in Article 12 by any means other than cash, such as coupons or credit cards, these credentials shall be shown in advance at the time of registration prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Article 9 (Occupancy Hours of Guestrooms)
The guest is entitled to occupy the contracted guestroom of the hotel from the check-in time to the check-out time on the next day. However, if the guestroom is contracted for consecutive days, the guest may occupy it for the entire day, except for the days of arrival and departure.
The hotel may, notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding paragraph, permit the guest to occupy the room beyond the time prescribed in the same Paragraph. In this case, extra charges shall apply as indicated in information tablets in the guestrooms:
Article 10 (Observance of Hotel Regulations)
The guest shall, while on the premises of the hotel, observe the Hotel Regulations established by the hotel that are posted within the hotel.
Article 11 (Opening hours)
The opening hours of the main facilities, etc. of the hotel are specified in detail by notices displayed at each place or information tablets in the guest rooms.
The opening hours provided in the previous Paragraph are subject to change temporarily by necessity, and when they do, an announcement shall be made as necessary.
Article 12 (Payment of Accommodation Charges)
The breakdown and method of calculation of the accommodation charges, etc. that the guest shall pay are as listed in Schedule 1.
The accommodation charges, etc. as stated in the preceding paragraph shall be paid in cash, or by alternative means such as coupons or credit cards accepted by the hotel at the time of the check-in or upon request by the hotel.
The accommodation charges shall be paid even if the guest chooses not to utilize the accommodation facilities provided by the hotel and which are at the guest's disposal.
Article 13 (Liabilities of the Hotel)
When the hotel causes damage to the guest due to a non-performance of the accommodation contract and related agreements, the hotel shall compensate the guest for the damage only if the hotel has been intentional or with gross negligence.
The hotel is covered by hotel liability insurance in order to deal with the damage as stipulated in the previous Paragraph. However, if the exemption clauses under the insurance contract apply, the damage incurred by the guest may not be compensated.
Article 14 (Procedure when unable to provide Contracted Rooms)
The hotel shall, when unable to provide the contracted rooms, arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere for the guest insofar as practicable and with the consent of the guest.
When other accommodation cannot be arranged, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the hotel shall pay the guest a compensation fee equivalent to the penalty charges and the compensation fee shall be applied to the reparations. However, when the hotel cannot provide accommodation because of factors for which the hotel is not liable, the hotel shall not pay the compensation fee.
Article 15 (Handling of Deposited Articles)
For goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the guest, the hotel shall compensate the guest for any damage from loss, breakage, or others up to 50,000 JPY, except in cases involving force majeure. However, when the guest has not made a declaration in advance of the type and value of the cash or valuables, the hotel shall not compensate for the damage.
For goods, cash or valuables which are brought onto the premises of the hotel by the guest but which are not deposited at the front desk, the hotel shall not compensate the guest for any damage from loss, breakage or others unless it is caused through an intentional action or gross negligence on the part of the hotel.
Article 16 (Safekeeping of Luggage or Belongings of the Guest)
When the guest's luggage is brought into the hotel prior to the guest's arrival, the hotel shall be responsible to keep it only when such a request has been accepted by the hotel. The baggage shall be handed over to the guest at the front desk at the time of check-in.
When the guest's luggage or belongings are found to have been left behind after check-out, and ownership of the item can be determined, the hotel shall inform the owner of the item left behind and ask for further instructions. When no instruction is given to the hotel by the owner or when ownership cannot be determined, the hotel shall keep the article for 3 days, including the day on which it is found, and after this period, the hotel shall turn it over to the nearest police station. Other items shall be disposed of as necessary at the hotel’s discretion. However, expendables, beverages, food, and other items that can damage the sanitary environment, newspapers and magazines, umbrellas, and other items that the hotel decides were discarded by guests will be disposed of immediately following the procedure prescribed by the hotel.
The hotel's responsibility in regard to the safekeeping of the guest's luggage and belongings in the case of the preceding two paragraphs shall be assumed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article in the case of Paragraph 1, and with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same in the case of Paragraph 2.
Article 17 (Liability for Parking)
The hotel shall not be responsible for the safekeeping of the guest's vehicle when the guest utilizes the parking lot on the premises of the hotel, as it shall be regarded that the hotel simply offers the space for parking, whether the key of the vehicle has been deposited with the hotel or not. However, the hotel shall compensate the guest for any damage caused through an intentional action or negligence on the part of the hotel in regard to the management of the parking lot.
The hotel shall not be liable for a theft, loss, or breakage of a vehicle, its accessories, or its load on affiliated parking lots that are not managed by the hotel.
Article18 (Liability of the Guest)
The guest shall compensate the hotel for any damage caused by the guest, either intentionally or through negligence.
Article 19 (Changes to the Terms and Conditions)
These Terms and Conditions and Hotel Regulations (“Terms and Conditions”) fall under the category of standard form contract stipulated under Paragraph 1 of Article 548-2 of the Civil Code of Japan, and these Terms and Conditions may be changed by the hotel at its discretion in the following cases.
- When change of the Terms and Conditions comforts with the general interest of the guests.
- Change of the Terms and Conditions is not contrary to the purpose for which the parties have entered into the contract and is reasonable in view of its necessity, reasonability of content after the change, and other circumstances of the change.
Changes to these Terms and Conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be made by posting a notification of the changes, content of the changes and the effective date on the company’s designated website instead of notifying and explaining individually one month in advance of the effective date.
When the guest uses a service of the hotel in accordance with the Terms and Conditions after the effective date of the changed Terms and Conditions, it is deemed that the guest has agreed to the change of the Terms and Conditions.
Article 20 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
Any disputes arising out of or relating to the accommodation contract between the guest and the hotel shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan or Tokyo Summary Court of Japan as the competent court of first instance.
The accommodation contract between the guest and the hotel shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
When the accommodation contract is drafted in multiple languages and there is any discrepancy, conflict or other inconsistency among these texts, the contents of the Japanese text shall prevail.
Schedule 1 Breakdown of Accommodation Charges (Ref: Article 2 Paragraph 1 and Article 12 Paragraph 1)
Breakdown | ||
Amount payable by the guest |
Accommodation charges |
① Basic accommodation charge (room charge (and room charge +meals and drinks including breakfast) |
Extra charges |
② Extra meals and drinks (excluding those included in①) and charge for use of the hotel facilities ③ Service charge prescribed the facilities used by the guest |
Tax | Consumption tax Bathing tax (only in hot-spring areas) Accommodation tax (only in applicable areas) |
The basic accommodation charge is indicated at the front desk and in the brochure.
When tax laws are amended, new provisions shall govern.
Schedule 2: Cancellation Charges (Ref: Article 6)
Contracted number of guests |
6 days prior to arrival date |
1 day before arrival date |
Arrival date | No show |
1-6 Persons |
20% | 80% | 100% | |
7-10 Persons |
50% | 100% | 100% | |
11 Persons or more |
50% | 80% | 100% | 100% |
- “%” is the ratio of the cancellation fee to the basic accommodation charge.
- Cancellation charges may be different from the aforementioned depending on which plan is booked or which travel agency is used.
Revised on: 19 April, 2024
Tabino Hotel Kurashiki Mizushima