• !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録
  • !佐渡金山 世界文化遺産登録


  • 2024.11.01Fri.
  • - 12.22Sun.


インドのニューデリーで開催された第46回世界遺産委員会において、「佐渡島の金山」が世界文化遺産として登録されました! 美しい自然に囲まれた島で豊かな食文化が育まれている佐渡は、海と山のテロワール。夏は本州よりも涼しく冬は暖かいため、様々な植物や海洋生物が生息し、日本の縮図といわれています。海だけでなく標高800mを超えるドンデン山もあり自然環境に恵まれており、多くの種類の農作物も育つ多彩な食材の宝庫です。 世界遺産登録を祝して、佐渡の食の魅力をお客様にお伝えすべくホテルの朝食にて佐渡の食材を使ったメニューを期間限定でご提供いたします。

Sado Island Gold Mine has been registered
as a World Cultural Heritage

Sado Gold Mine is located on Sado Island, the largest island in the Sea of Japan. Sado has an oceanic climate with four distinct seasons, with hot and humid summers and cold winters, but snowfall is less than on the mainland. The island is surrounded by sea on all sides, and agriculture and fishing are carried out taking advantage of the rich soil and climate. Rice is the main agricultural industry. To celebrate the registration as a World Heritage Site, we will be offering a menu with ingredients from Sado for a limited time on the breakfast menu at the hotel group.


佐渡金山のシンボル「道遊の割戸」は地表から巨大な金脈を掘り進み、山がV字に割れたような姿の採掘跡です。 江戸時代に採掘され、このような垂直に近い絶壁の露天掘りは、世界でも一段と優れています。






高い山を有する佐渡は、島としては珍しく水が豊かです。また、周りが海に囲まれているので、気候は温暖です。田んぼに暮らす小さな生きものたちと共生するために、1年を通じて田んぼに「水辺」を設ける工夫や、農薬や化学肥料を県の基準の半分以下に抑えながら作られる安全、安心なお米です。 炊き上がりの香りが良く、甘みやうまみを感じることができること、粘りやツヤもしっかりしている事が特徴です。

Sado's rice

Sado, with it is high mountains, is unusually rich in water for an island. In addition, as it is surrounded by the sea, the climate is warm and coexist with the small creatures that live in the rice fields. The rice is grown using less pesticides and chemical fertilizers than the prefectural standard, making it safe and secure. The rice is characterized by its pleasant aroma when cooked, its sweetness and flavor, and its firm stickiness and luster.



Sado's Miso

"Tsukamoto Kojiya" has been making koji in this area for a long time. The miso prepared using plenty of this koji remains fermented for about a year in the cedar barrels of the miso brewery where the sea breeze flows through, waiting for it to be taken out of the warehouse. This handmade miso is made by mixing 10 parts of soybeans with 17 parts of handmade koji made for three days and three nights, and is aged in paulownia barrels for one year in cold weather. cuisine.




"Igoneri" is a typical local dish from Sado, made of Igo grass grown in the Sea of Japan. It is called "Ego" in the Sado region and in the Niigata region.. Rich in minerals, low in calories and high in fiber, it is perfect for breakfast!



Tsumire Jiru

Eating minced fish has been popular on Sado since ancient times, and is one of the island's unique food cultures. Miso soup made with fish paste is one of the local dishes handed down on the island.
[6 types of fish paste] Puffer Fish, Dolphinfish, Red Sea Bream, Yellowtail, Mackerel Fish, and True Cod

